Protect your appliances from stains & aging with home coating.
What areas/items in my home can I protect with a coating?
Kitchens, Countertops, ovens, stove tops, convection ovens, grills, stainless steel appliances, shower doors, shower tile (sealed), inside/outside of toilets, sinks, and most cabinets can all be protected with our coating. Other items include:
Couches | Light Fixtures | Handbags | Playsets | Watches | Shoes

safe for health
no dangerous substances contained
strong & durable barrier
Resistant to solvents, acids and alkali
brand-new look
Restored for used items
dirt & water repelling
Helps Prevent Stains, Mold, Spills, and germs.
Less Scrubbing and Less frequent maintenance.
any material
Stainless Steel, Metal, Glass, Fabric, Plastic, Rubber, textile, etc.