coating Services

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You can spend all Day Cleaning a Bathroom, but if you’re not removing those tough mineral deposits, Water Spots, and Soap Scum right away, Strong Chemicals will be required to Break Down the Mold and Remove all the Stains. With our Home Coatings, Cleaning the Bathroom is a Simple Rinse and Wipe Down, that’s it. 

When Applied, It Creates a Clear Glass Layer of Protection to Help Prevent anything to Bond to the Surface that would cause staining and Damage. This Hydrophobic Layer makes Water Bead up, Trapping any Dirt and simply rolling off the surface when rinsed off. This Can be used on just about any surface in the Bathroom. From Floor and Wall Tiles, Glass, Sinks, Toilets, Shower Doors, Counters and Basins.  



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Ceramic Coatings range offers specifically composed Textile and Leather products. Indoor and outdoor Furniture can all be coated and protected against any liquids and spills, stains, dirt and general wear and tear. Nothing will bond and dry to the surface, it can simply be wiped off without leaving any stains or marks. By coating your fabric and leather surfaces you extend the lief of your furniture and keep them looking brand new for many years to come. 



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Bringing Families Together, Creating Lots of Memories! 

Kitchens can Also be one of the Messiest rooms in the House. 

From Dirty Dishes, Greasy Backsplashes, Fingerprints everywhere, Cleaning can be a real hassle 

and Consume a lot of Time. Allow our Professional Grade Coatings Make is Easier to Clean with 

Less Effort while keeping it Protected. 



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Countertops generally get the most Abuse and When not treated properly, Stains can Etch, 

Stone starts to Fade and Turn Yellow. This is very common with countertops that have Little 

to no protection. Most Protection, such as Sealants that are on the Market, are not nearly as 

Durable, nor will hold up as long which means a reapplication after a few months (Like Wax on a Car)


Stainless Steel

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Stainless Steel Product are Beautiful but Very Sensitive to Finger Prints, Grease Stains, and Water Spots. 

With LHC, it will Enhance the Shine and Help Prevent everyday Wear and Tear. Grease, Spills, and Fat 

wont bond to the Coating which will Keep it Clean and New, all the time. 


Outdoor Living

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Outdoor Living areas are in constant contact with Dirt, Contaminants, Rain and Other Harsh Weather Elements. 

This Constant Abuse Damages those outdoor Surfaces and Causes Fading and Staining that can sometimes be impossible to repair or clean. With Ceramic Coatings Applied, Its Highly advanced composition fills the smallest pores on these outdoor surfaces and creates a Clear Glass Surface that will not allow any absorption. It acts as a Sacrificial Layer preventing Stains and Oxidation from damaging the surface. 


Grills, Bars, outdoor Kitchens

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High-traffic areas like outdoor kitchens, bars, fire pits, and dining areas also take a beating from the weather. Enjoy yourself while Having Cookouts with Friends and Family without worrying about a difficult, Time Consuming cleanup process. Outdoor bars and cooking areas can get the same benefits as the ceramic-coated surfaces in your indoor kitchen. Long-lasting premium protection and simple cleanup. The same goes for outdoor tables, chairs, and fire pits. The extreme temperature rating that ceramic coating provides ensures that all treated surfaces stay fully protected.